DEFY AGING with Peptide Bioregulators

We’re proud to work with one of the most comprehenive anitiaging resource in the world. With their help we’ve been given the opportunity to acquire the best and most unique peptide bioregulators with gene switching capabilities. 

adrenal gland amino acid complex

Adrenal Bioregulator

Enhances adrenal gland function, supporting the production of cortisol, adrenaline, and noradrenaline.

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Bone Marrow Amino acid complex

Bone Marrow Bioregulator

Supports bone marrow function, particularly in maintaining healthy red blood cell production.

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Blood cell regulator

Blood Vessel Bioregulator

Enhances blood cell function by supporting the health of vascular wall cells and regulating their metabolic processes.

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bladder bioregulator

Bladder Bioregulator

Supports the metabolic processes in urinary bladder wall cells, enhancing flexibility and control under challenging conditions.

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cartilage Bioregulator

Cartilage Bioregulator

Enhances the health of cartilage tissue cells and regulates their metabolic processes.

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CNS Bioregulator

CNS Bioregulator

Regulates metabolic processes in brain cells and supports the restoration of central nervous system function.

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Heart amino acid complex

Heart Bioregulator

This amino acid complex is formulated to support heart function and manage conditions such as hypertonia, hypertension, myocarditis, atrial fibrillation, coronary artery disease, and heart failure.

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kidney amino acid complex

Kidney Bioregulator

This amino acid complex is designed to support healthy kidney function, particularly beneficial for individuals with gout nephropathy, helping to reduce levels of uric acid and urea.

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liver amino acid complex

Liver Bioregulator

Supports liver function, combats fatigue, and may assist with conditions like hepatitis, atherosclerosis, diabetes, and obesity. Can be combined with a blood vessel bioregulator.

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lungs bioregulator

Lungs Bioregulator

Supports lung health by regulating the bronchial mucosa, normalizing metabolism, and enhancing overall function. 


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Ovary bioregulator

Ovary Bioregulator

This amino acid complex supports ovarian function by regulating estrogen and progesterone production.

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Muscle bioregulator

Muscle Bioregulator

This amino acid supports muscle function by improving physicial efficiency and enhancing adabtability under extreme conditions.

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pancreas bioregulatorq

Pancreas Bioregulator

Aids in regulating pancreatic enzyme activity, which may help reduce blood sugar levels in those with diabetes.

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retina bioregulator

Retina Bioregulator

Aids in repairing retinal damage caused by conditions like diabetic retinopathy, pigment retinitis, myopia, and age-related macular degeneration.

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Prostate Bioregulator

Prostate enlargement (BPH) is a common issue among men, leading to frequent urination, incomplete bladder emptying, and interrupted urine flow. 

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Stomach Bioregulator

Supports stomach health by normalizing digestive functions and helping to prevent issues such as gastric ulcers and polyps.

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thymus bioregulator

Thymus Bioregulator

For thymus support and immune health, Vladonix® helps stimulate and repair damaged immune activity. 


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thyroid bioregulator

Thyroid Bioregulator

As a thyroid bioregulator, Thyreogen has been shown to support the treatment of both hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism.


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parathyroid bioregulator

parathyroid Bioregulator

Functions as a gene regulator, supporting parathyroid activity and calcium production in the blood and bones. 

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Pineal Bioregulator

Pineal Bioregulator

For the pineal gland, this bioregulator helps regulate the neuroendocrine, immune, and cardiovascular systems while enhancing melatonin production and improving sleep quality.

Buy 3 of the Same, Get $5 OFF Per Box 


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